import cv2 import time import numpy as np import sys import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #timers GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Use physical pin numbering GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.IN)# Remote Button B - Take picture GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.IN)# Remote button D - Armed & Ready GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT)# RED GPIO.setup(24, GPIO.OUT)# GREEN GPIO.setup(26, GPIO.OUT)# BLUE GPIO.setup(32, GPIO.OUT)# Relay - TV on/off #If you want to use a custom background you can use this function to resize it. def resize(dst,img): width = img.shape[1] height = img.shape[0] dim = (width, height) resized = cv2.resize(dst, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) return resized presenceTriggered = False cooldown = False #cooldown state after the haunt is over ghostVisible = False #toggles the visiblity of the ghost GPIO.output(32, GPIO.HIGH) #Turn TV on at the beginning for setup mode. window_name = "window" face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('/home/pi/Documents/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') eye_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_eye.xml') #inialize fullscreen cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) #capture video from the camera if you want to test this on your computer, change 0 with 1 cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #custom resolution for CRT TV cam.set(3,768) cam.set(4,576) success, ref_img = #reference image taken for background removal success2, bg = success3, bg2 = flag = 0 #star the timers coolDownStart = time.time() #this will reset after the haunt is done. faceTimeStart = time.time() #the time it takes to detect a new face. ghostTime = time.time() faceFreqCounter = 0 #face frequency counter to filter out false positives while True: ret, img = if ret: img=cv2.flip(img,0) #flips the image vertically gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) detected = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) #erase the '#' below if you want to detect eyes instead of faces #detected = eye_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray) #If the setup is armed, execute facedetection. if flag==3: if not cooldown: #the cooldown timer prevents the facedetection from running for (x,y,w,h) in detected: #draw rectangles around faces/eyes for debugging #cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2) faceTimeEnd = time.time() elapsedFaceTime = faceTimeEnd - faceTimeStart if (elapsedFaceTime<1): faceFreqCounter+=1 print(faceFreqCounter) if (elapsedFaceTime>5): faceFreqCounter=0 faceTimeStart = time.time() faceDetectionElapsed=time.time()- faceTimeStart if(faceFreqCounter>5) & (not ghostVisible) & (not presenceTriggered): GPIO.output(32, GPIO.HIGH) if(faceFreqCounter>25) & (faceDetectionElapsed>0.5) & (not ghostVisible): ghostVisible = True faceFreqCounter=0 bg = bgHaunted if(ghostVisible & (faceFreqCounter>10) & (faceDetectionElapsed>0.5)) & (not presenceTriggered): print("NO GHOST") ghostTime = time.time() ghostVisible = False faceFreqCounter=0 presenceTriggered = True bg=bg2 end2 = time.time() elapsedTime2 = end2 - ghostTime print(elapsedTime2) if (elapsedTime2>5) and presenceTriggered: GPIO.output(32, GPIO.LOW) presenceTriggered = False cooldown = True if (elapsedTime2>20) and cooldown: print("cooldown done") faceFreqCounter=0 cooldown = False #background removal based on #success, img = if flag==0: ref_img = img flag=1 if flag==2: success3, bgHaunted = flag=1 # create a mask diff1=cv2.subtract(img,ref_img) diff2=cv2.subtract(ref_img,img) diff = diff1+diff2 #orig value =13 diff[abs(diff)<20.0]=0 gray = cv2.cvtColor(diff.astype(np.uint8), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray[np.abs(gray) < 10] = 0 fgmask = gray.astype(np.uint8) fgmask[fgmask>0]=255 #invert the mask fgmask_inv = cv2.bitwise_not(fgmask) #use the masks to extract the relevant parts from FG and BG fgimg = cv2.bitwise_and(img,img,mask = fgmask) bgimg = cv2.bitwise_and(bg,bg,mask = fgmask_inv) #combine both the BG and the FG images dst = cv2.add(fgimg,bgimg) dst=cv2.flip(dst, 0) cv2.imshow(window_name,dst) key = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF if ord('q') == key: break if ord('a') == key or (GPIO.input(16) == GPIO.HIGH): flag = 3 print("Setup armed and ready!") GPIO.output(24, GPIO.LOW) GPIO.output(22, GPIO.HIGH) #turn on TV GPIO.output(32, GPIO.LOW) if (ord('h') == key) or (GPIO.input(12) == GPIO.HIGH): flag = 2 print("Haunted Picture Taken!") GPIO.output(24, GPIO.HIGH) GPIO.output(22, GPIO.LOW) elif ord('d') == key: flag = 1 print("Background Captured") elif ord('r') == key: flag = 0 print("Ready to Capture new Background") elif ord('t') == key: bg = bgHaunted print("Image is now haunted!") GPIO.cleanup() cv2.destroyAllWindows() cam.release()