const localList = require('./lang.json').words; const baseList = require('badwords-list').array; class Filter { /** * Filter constructor. * @constructor * @param {object} options - Filter instance options * @param {boolean} options.emptyList - Instantiate filter with no blacklist * @param {array} options.list - Instantiate filter with custom list * @param {string} options.placeHolder - Character used to replace profane words. * @param {string} options.regex - Regular expression used to sanitize words before comparing them to blacklist. * @param {string} options.replaceRegex - Regular expression used to replace profane words with placeHolder. * @param {string} options.splitRegex - Regular expression used to split a string into words. */ constructor(options = {}) { Object.assign(this, { list: options.emptyList && [] || Array.prototype.concat.apply(localList, [baseList, options.list || []]), exclude: options.exclude || [], splitRegex: options.splitRegex || /\b/, placeHolder: options.placeHolder || '*', regex: options.regex || /[^a-zA-Z0-9|\$|\@]|\^/g, replaceRegex: options.replaceRegex || /\w/g }) } /** * Determine if a string contains profane language. * @param {string} string - String to evaluate for profanity. */ isProfane(string) { return this.list .filter((word) => { const wordExp = new RegExp(`\\b${word.replace(/(\W)/g, '\\$1')}\\b`, 'gi'); return !this.exclude.includes(word.toLowerCase()) && wordExp.test(string); }) .length > 0 || false; } /** * Replace a word with placeHolder characters; * @param {string} string - String to replace. */ replaceWord(string) { return string .replace(this.regex, '') .replace(this.replaceRegex, this.placeHolder); } /** * Evaluate a string for profanity and return an edited version. * @param {string} string - Sentence to filter. */ clean(string) { return string.split(this.splitRegex).map((word) => { return this.isProfane(word) ? this.replaceWord(word) : word; }).join(this.splitRegex.exec(string)[0]); } /** * Add word(s) to blacklist filter / remove words from whitelist filter * @param {...string} word - Word(s) to add to blacklist */ addWords() { let words = Array.from(arguments); this.list.push(...words); words .map(word => word.toLowerCase()) .forEach((word) => { if (this.exclude.includes(word)) { this.exclude.splice(this.exclude.indexOf(word), 1); } }); } /** * Add words to whitelist filter * @param {...string} word - Word(s) to add to whitelist. */ removeWords() { this.exclude.push(...Array.from(arguments).map(word => word.toLowerCase())); } } module.exports = Filter;