const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') const socket = io() ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; const speed = 2; var frameCount = 10 var length = 0 let img = new Image(); let frameWidth = 23.5; let frameHeight = 29; let column = 0; let row = 0; let readyNow = false let animationFrame = 0; let pageVisible = true; let debugMode = false; let timeoutHandle; //emoji picker code // let atPosition = true; // img.src = 'demaSprite.png'; clickCoordinates = [100,100] // document.getElementById("canvas").style.background = "url('baackground.png')"; // background.onload = function(){ // ctx.drawImage(background,0,0); // } if(!localStorage.getItem('username')){ localStorage.setItem('username','Visitor') } // setInterval(player.animate, 50); canvas.width = 32 * 21 //672 canvas.height = 32 * 12 //384 console.log(ctx); const room1 = new Sprite({ position:{ x:0, y:0 }, imageSrc: './img/baackground.png' }) socket.on('disconnect',(reason)=>{ console.log(reason); if (confirm("Kicked to due inactivity, click OK to refresh page") == true) { window.location.reload(); } }) // const player = new Player(100,100,'Görkem') const fPlayers = {} socket.on('updatePlayers', (bPlayers) =>{ for(const id in bPlayers){ const bPlayer = bPlayers[id] if(!fPlayers[id]){ fPlayers[id] = new Player({ position:{ x:bPlayer.x, y:bPlayer.y }, incrementX:0, incrementY:0, clickX:bPlayer.clickX, clickY:bPlayer.clickY, userId:id, username:'',, message:'', atPosition:true, isCharacter2D:true, animationColumn:0, imageSrc:'characterSprites/' + + '/Down.png', frames: 7, center:true, sprites:spriteFunction( }) // console.log(fPlayers[id]) fPlayers[].username = localStorage.getItem('username') socket.emit('username',fPlayers[].username); } else { // if players already exist fPlayers[id].clickX = bPlayer.clickX fPlayers[id].clickY = bPlayer.clickY fPlayers[id].message = bPlayer.message fPlayers[id].username = bPlayer.username if(fPlayers[id].skin!{spriteFunctionUpdate(fPlayers[id],} // console.log(fPlayers[id].skin) // console.log( // fPlayers[id].sprites = spriteFunction( // console.log(fPlayers[id]) //update player position without animation if tab is inactive if (document.hidden) { fPlayers[id].position.x = bPlayer.x fPlayers[id].position.y = bPlayer.y } } } for (const id in fPlayers){ if(!bPlayers[id]){ delete fPlayers[id] } } // console.log(fPlayers) readyNow=true }) // setInterval(animate, 60); // player.draw() // get cursor position function function getCursorPosition(canvas, event) { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect() const x = event.clientX - rect.left const y = event.clientY - // console.log("x: " + x + " y: " + y) return [x,y] } // animate from point a to point b let animationId // setInterval(animate, 60); function animate(){ ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; // console.log(pageVisible) // ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); room1.draw() animationId = requestAnimationFrame(animate); if(readyNow){ // ctx.drawImage(background,0,0); for (const id in fPlayers){ const allfPlayer = fPlayers[id] allfPlayer.draw() if(debugMode) allfPlayer.debug() allfPlayer.update() // allfPlayer.message() } // fPlayer = fPlayers[] // if(){} // goToPosition(fPlayer,clickCoordinates) // console.log(fPlayer.animationColumn) // return [incrementX,incrementY] } // function goToPosition(fPlayer,clickCoordinates){ // } } animate() canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { clickCoordinates = getCursorPosition(canvas, e) // calculateIncrement(fPlayers[]); fPlayers[].clickX = clickCoordinates[0] fPlayers[].clickY = clickCoordinates[1] socket.emit('clickPosition',clickCoordinates) // length=2; // animate(player.x,player.y,clickCoordinates[0],clickCoordinates[1],frameCount) }) // document.querySelector('#textInput').addEventListener('submit',(event)=>{ event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false; //do not refresh page whenform submited var inputValue = document.querySelector('#input').value if(inputValue.includes("/name ")){ console.log('namechange') fPlayers[].username = inputValue.replace("/name ","") localStorage.setItem('username',fPlayers[].username); socket.emit('username',fPlayers[].username) }else if(inputValue==='/debug'){ if(debugMode) {debugMode=false;}else{debugMode=true;} }else if(inputValue.includes("/dino ")){ console.log(inputValue.slice(6,7)); var newSkin = ""; switch(inputValue.slice(6,7)) { case '1': newSkin = "Green"; break; case '2': newSkin = "Red"; break; case '3': newSkin = "Orange"; break; case '4': newSkin = "Blue"; break; default: newSkin = "Green"; } socket.emit('skin',newSkin); }else{ fPlayers[].message=document.querySelector('#input').value socket.emit('message',fPlayers[].message) console.log('value sent') fPlayers[].messageSent = true; } document.querySelector('#textInput').reset(); }) function spriteFunction(skin) { return { down:'characterSprites/' + skin + '/Down.png', up:'characterSprites/' + skin + '/Up.png', right:'characterSprites/' + skin + '/Right.png', left:'characterSprites/' + skin + '/Left.png' }; } function spriteFunctionUpdate(obj,skin) { obj.Down.src='characterSprites/' + skin + '/Down.png'; obj.Up.src='characterSprites/' + skin + '/Up.png'; obj.Left.src='characterSprites/' + skin + '/Left.png'; obj.Right.src='characterSprites/' + skin + '/Right.png'; }